Saturday, July 17, 2010


I've loved this show for... 10 years now. Since it started basically, and tonights movie special (which I watched before it actually aired on tonight) was horribly disappointing. I'm going to assume no one who reads this has any intentions of ever watching it, but if you do this could be considered a spoiler so go away.

Now that that's been said... SPINNER AND EMMA GET FUCKING MARRIED IN THE MOVIE. WHAT THE HELL. HE WAS DATING JANE FOR THE LAST 2 SEASONS, WHAT THE FRIGGIN CRAP. This seemed like a condensed version of the movie "What Happens in Vegas". I mean, Emma and Sean dancing at a wedding in season 2 or 3 (I forget which), cute. Emma and Spinner having a a shotgun wedding and them trying to turn the wedding into a romantic moment? NOT CUTE. Don't get me wrong, I think Jane's character is much better off for not marrying Spinner (one of my least favorite characters since the beginning), but EMMA? Come on, it's like the shows directors called every person from the first few seasons to come back to film this movie and have someone marry Spinner and Miriam McDonald was the only one desperate enough to agree. Those two characters have no history, and no chemistry. The whole thing looked forced and awkward. I know Shenae Grimes moved to California to go film 90210, but God, give her a call to make a quick cameo as Darcy, because even THAT would have made better sense, he at least dated her previously. Hell, why not Paige? Good grief. Who the hell decided this was a good plot decision? I'd like to punch them in the face. I know this show likes to "go there" as they put it, and they've had a lot of out there plots, but this is legitimately the only one I've ever seen and thought "are the writers even trying anymore? or just trying to see what they can get away with?"

Anyone who knows me knows I love South Park. They had an episode a few seasons ago in which they depicted the writers of Family Guy to be nothing more than manatees pushing phrases and words on balls around in a tank to form an episodes script. Perhaps Degrassi borrowed this method from Family Guy, because I can't figure out any other way they could have come up with something this fucking retarded.

End rant. I have a wedding to attend in 8 hours. AND IT'S NOT SPINNER AND EMMA'S.

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